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Ever wonder how that
Massachusetts judge
who took your children
away and stripped you
of your house and assets
got to sit on the bench?
All judges were approved,
usually by unanimous,
vote, by the Governors
Council at a public hearing.
The audio for their
hearings over the last
couple of years can be heard here:

Courtesy of Patrick McCabe


A must-read:
'The Fraud of Feminism'

A younger Tolkien

J.R.R.Tolkien, author
of 'Lord of the Rings',
on Marriage

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How You Can Help CPF - How CPF Can Help You

Good Fathers are destroyed and cast away by the system every day. The children who desperately need these Fathers suffer. We need you to bring about change. These pages are designed to provide the uninitiated with the resources and guidance needed to become productive contributors in the fight against these Throw Away Dad policies. Don't think about acting. Do it! Do it now! With everyone acting, we form a powerful army of castaways that will change this system.

  • Use the Other Resources Page or Legislation Page to lookup the media. Write editorials. Ask the media to do Pro-Dad stories. Write a congratulatory letter when they do a Pro-Dad story. Voice your disapproval for Anti-Dad stories. Forward any correspondence to CPF.
  • Use the Legislation Page to look up the address, phone number, or email of your Senator or Representative. Then write or call them about Pro-Dad or Anti-Dad legislation which is also outlined on this page. Keep contacting them until they respond. If they do not respond favorably then voice your disapproval. Voice positive or negative feelings about your Senators or Representatives to the media. Forward any correspondence between you and your Representatives or Senators to CPF.
  • Use the Activities Page to keep informed about CPF activities. Join us for a demonstration, conference, or other activity. We need you to participate.
  • Participate in a meeting. Use the Affiliates Page to find out how to contact a CPF chapter. CPF groups meet on a regular basis. We need talented and dedicated people to help form and implement our strategies.
  • Use the Feedback Page to forward us correspondence or to send us your ideas, comments, or suggestions.
  • Volunteer your services if you have some special skills and can donate some of your time. You could help us maintain this Web Page, help us coordinate publicity and outreach, or carve out a new niche for yourself.
  • Become an official CPF member. CPF needs your financial support. Your support will go a long way in helping us end the discrimination against divorced and never-wed fathers. In return, official members have the opportunity to help set the goals and objectives of the organization and receive priority in organizational support activities.

$30 (or 10 hours of volunteer time per year) Member
$50 Supporting Member
$100 Contributing Member
$250+ Sustaining Member

Membership Application


Or you can send donations to:

CPF-The Fatherhood Coalition
2 Marlowe St.
Boston, MA 02124

Phone: 617-723-DADS
Email: support@fatherhoodcoalition.org


cpf_home.gif (2618 bytes)


'GoodFather' T-Shirts
All funds raised after
cost will be allocated to
help us fund the 'Fathers'
Day' banner at the
Massachusetts State


"I Love Being a Dad"
     Bumper sticker


CPF Board
Mike Franco
Patricia Friedman
Doug George
Brian Hutchins
Wayne Jewett
Juan Maldonado
Patrick McCabe, Co-Chair
Jim Marques
Rich Mitchell
Joe Ureneck, Chair